martes, mayo 15, 2007

Now you're the song I love to sing.

The trouble with songs is that you always attach them to a situation, a moment. Such that no matter how you forget you felt in that instant, that one single tune can bring you right back there.

You remember everything. The things you forget, the feelings you felt and forgot, the sensations, the sights, the breeze in your hair. You remember exactly how you felt in that instant. And the words web a weave around you that gets you tangled up in them and you forget the present and live in your memories.

And if not that, a song, each different song, brings you somewhere else. Some place you've never been. Each song finds a new you. Someone you don't know, scenarios your eyes have never seen but which lingers in your heart. And sometimes someone you remember but can't seem to grasp.

But with that one song you are everywhere but here. And the beauty is that because of that, we can go anywhere we want. And that is in our power if nothing else is.

1 comentario:

Halim. dijo...

my alai is so damn smart. i miss you.