martes, marzo 27, 2007


So its a Tuesday morning, and i have my ass down in the computer lab. What a feeling ay. Tuesday, on an ungodly hour in the morning, just finished with the ict ex, and its that time of the month. Halelujah. And to top off the cherry on top, the assessments start tommorow. And to be the chocolate sprinkles and almonds all over, i have science and maths. Woooooooooh. Life is good. Okay, so enough with the sarcasm. Who would have thought that Brunei could have SO MUCH drama? Who am i kidding? It's Brunei. Course there's so much drama, that's the only excitement we gett around here. But you know. Once in awhile, you get tired of all the shite. When you just want to lay back and take a sip of your lemon ping. You can't. You know why? Cause your phone won't stop bloody ringing from people calling to say, omg that bitch lksheofiboaewihbt;oserlykgnslkey. SO SICK OF ALL YOUR SHIT. please LAH. Have some self-pride. Nobody give's a shit, so why should you? And you. What do you want, honestly?

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