sábado, junio 28, 2008

On the 26th

I came home..

martes, junio 24, 2008

Love on pause

In my opinion, there is no specific definition of love. There's um-llions of people in this world, on this earth.. ergo, there's um-llions of definitions. But what do I have to say about it? What does this particular 15 year old have to say about it?

LOVE? Putting aside the fact that it is an over-used word in today's world, it's beautiful. Actually, It is beyond beautiful, beyond amazing, beyond ecstatic. It makes all of us human-babies do the darnest things. It makes us sing, it makes us dance, it makes us laugh, it makes us smile, it makes us write, it makes us fight with our parents, it makes us spend our money on the littlest things that you think your monpetishu would smile to, it makes you drive all the way down to KB, Tanah Jambu, Kota Batu, Sengkurong, it makes us.. simply put, it makes us so happy.

When I'm in love, I get the fuzziest feeling inside. It makes the butterflies in my stomach fly so hard that they die. It makes me smile when I'm just about to sleep, and its why I smile the minute I awake. When I'm in love, I am cut open in the middle, and beyond exposed. I show every face and every mask I have. Every little flaw. I kantut, I cry, I piss, I o-o, I give all of me.

If you were to ask me.. What do I do best? No questions asked, I'd say.. Love. I love.. to love. I love falling inlove, I love how crazy it makes me, I love being manja, I love being kusut, I love running to the boyfriend and just start to rant about my day, I love bitching with my significant other, I love sharing inside-jokes across the table, I love huffing-and-puffing around my room, trying to look for the nicest outfit for my date, I love thinking of what to buy for monthsaries, I love sending goodnight messages, I love waking up to goodmorning messages, I love goodnight calls, I love hollywood kisses, I love anniversaries, I love holding hands, I love kissing, I love.. love.

If you have love, cherish is, appreaciate it, don't only hold on to it, but grasp it with both hands, and don't let it go, don't mess it up.

To end this post?.. I miss love.

jueves, junio 19, 2008


It's been awhile since I last scribbled my feelings in words, in paper, and in web for that matter. It's been a serious while. No, I'm not going to say that I was too busy to write, I'm not going to blame it on school. Simply put? I just didn't have the umph to write. Why am I writing now? Because I have this sudden urge of needing to write.

Birds-eye; this month is taking the longest to past. Am I saying that because I am on holiday right now? Maybe. Am I saying that because I've gotten a tad bit lonelier? Maybe so. I'm at home, and all my relatives from the philippines are here. They're all nicely sat on the dinner table, and they look.. content. Put aside the fact that they've wrinkled with age and memories, but when they smile.. It looks so genuine.

I hear my lolo belting out on the magic sing now. He's most probably drunk, and he looks as if he's having the time of his life. I wish I was like that. I would most probably kill, to be satisfied with what's on my plate. But I always, always, push my luck.. and instead of having extra desert, I am sent to my room. You gets? Good.

My little cousin is humping my leg now, I think he wants my attention. Better go x