miércoles, abril 04, 2007


Mr. David was a teacher all his life. He often talked about taking a trip around the world on his retirement. So when he retired from the government school everyone expected him to do just as he had said, but he procrastinated. He said he would go the next year.

So instead of doing what he wanted, he got a teaching job in a private school. He said he needed to save more money. His friends knew he was getting a far bit of pension and he could easily go on his trip with his wife. After all, his children were all grown up and working.

Anyhow, for reasons best known to himself, he postponed the trip year after year, although he kept telling his friends, “next year, my world trip.”

The years rolled by quickly. One day Mr. David visited a doctor about a persistent cough that he had developed. The doctor did some tests and found out that Mr. David has lung cancer. What a shock it was for the poor man when the doctor told him that he had probably less than a year to live.

By then he was too sick to travel and all hopes of a world trip vanished in an instant. Eight months later he passed away after spending a fortune trying to find a cure for the cancer.

The lesson to be learned here is not to procrastinate when one wants to do something. It is better to do it while there is time. The more one procrastinates, the less the opportunity to do it. Eventually the opportunity will disappear completely.

“Procrastination is the thief of time.”

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