martes, octubre 24, 2006

wake up and smell the coffee.

happy raya everyone.

amanda's leaving in less than 5 hours, and i'm gna miss her. we're gna miss her. fuck the fact that its gna be for a week saja. baie wah, kaka ku wah tu. have a safe flight my kaka bighose. mwah.. alai loves you (:


its raya and we're all in the spirit. cept that its the first ever raya without abang and i miss him. we hope you're fine and everything is swell in lufbra bang. went out tonight. well, yesterday night really since its 5AM in the morning already and for some effed up reason i can't go to bed. nyeh. i was talking to skankyhanky awhile ago. talked about tongue piercing and i've decided to do it. either when i'm piss drunk or when i have ice wrapped around my tongue 24/7. but yes. i will get my tongue pierced. if i can't wait til jan2nd. we'll get hakiim to do it for free, but if i do wna wait. we'll wait till skankyhanky comes back from singapore as an apprentice body piercer. WOOOOOOOOOOOOT.

i was chatting with kakayayers too. panat wah anak atu. but i love her nonetheless. according to a few number of people. we look alike. some even think we're sisters. whatever. i see her as my sister anyway, and whoever efs with me SHE WILL FLICK BACK TO CHINA. hahahaha. okay nda cali. well if u dont get it la. ;p

lookie at dan's and i punye surprisee prom kakatersyg i:
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goodnight all. selamat hari raya everyone, forgive me. for my wrong doings. lets forget the past and live the present. and look porward por whats in store for us in the future. man. that was sucha long sentence to type. friggin hell. fuck me.

MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMWAH, muchos love everybody.

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